# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy
from common import integrators
from common.utils import PicklableObject

Naive form


Forward reaction distribution functional term

param skip_index Particle to skip in the expression

    def F_A(self, p, skip_index=None):

        temp = -1.

        for i, particle in enumerate(self.reaction):
            if skip_index is None or i != skip_index:
                if particle.side == -1:
                    temp *= particle.specie.distribution(p[i])
                    temp *= 1. - particle.specie.eta * particle.specie.distribution(p[i])

        return temp

Backward reaction distribution functional term

param skip_index Particle to skip in the expression

    def F_B(self, p, skip_index=None):

        temp = 1.

        for i, particle in enumerate(self.reaction):
            if skip_index is None or i != skip_index:
                if particle.side == 1:
                    temp *= particle.specie.distribution(p[i])
                    temp *= 1. - particle.specie.eta * particle.specie.distribution(p[i])

        return temp

\,-f_1-form" class="header-anchor" href="#linearized-in--form"> Linearized in form

in means that the distribution function was omitted in the corresponding expression. represents the value of the particle .


Variable part of the distribution functional

    def F_f(self, p):

        return (
            self.F_A(p=p, skip_index=0) - self.particle.eta * self.F_B(p=p, skip_index=0)

Constant part of the distribution functional

    def F_1(self, p):

        return self.F_B(p=p, skip_index=0)


Representation of the concrete collision integral for a specific particle Integral.reaction[0]

class BoltzmannIntegral(PicklableObject, DistributionFunctional):

    _saveable_fields = [
        'particle', 'reaction', 'decoupling_temperature', 'constant', 'Ms', 'grids',

    reaction = None  # All particles involved

Crossed particles in the integral

If the Boltzmann integral is obtained as a crossing of some other process, the mass of the crossed fermion in the matrix element has to change sign.

For example, compare the matrix elements of reactions

In particular, this has something to do with the K2 term in the FourParticleIntegral.


Temperature when the typical interaction time exceeds the Hubble expansion time

    decoupling_temperature = 0.
    constant = 0.

Four-particle interactions of the interest can all be rewritten in a form

    Ms = None

Grids corresponding to particles integrated over

    grids = None

Update self with configuration kwargs, construct particles list and energy conservation law of the integral.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        for key in kwargs:
            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

        if not self.Ms:
            self.Ms = []

        self.integrand = numpy.vectorize(self.integrand, otypes=[numpy.float_])

String-like representation of the integral. Corresponds to the first particle

    def __str__(self):

        return (
            " + ".join([p.specie.symbol + ('\'' if p.antiparticle else '')
                        for p in self.reaction if p.side == -1])
            + " ⟶  "
            + " + ".join([p.specie.symbol + ('\'' if p.antiparticle else '')
                          for p in self.reaction if p.side == 1])
            + "\t({})".format(', '.join([str(M) for M in self.Ms]))
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

Initialize collision integral constants and save them to the first involved particle

    def initialize(self):

        raise NotImplementedError()

Helper procedure that caches conformal energies and masses of the reaction

    def calculate_kinematics(self, p):

        particle_count = len(self.reaction)
        p = (p + [0.]*particle_count)[:particle_count]
        E = []
        m = []
        for i, particle in enumerate(self.reaction):

Parameters of one particle can be inferred from the energy conservation law

        E[particle_count-1] = self.reaction[particle_count-1].side \
            * sum([-self.reaction[i].side * E[i] for i in range(particle_count-1)])
        p[particle_count-1] = numpy.sqrt(numpy.abs(E[particle_count-1]**2 - m[particle_count-1]**2))
        return p, E, m
    def rates(self):
        def forward_integral(p):
            return numpy.vectorize(lambda p0: p0**2 / (2 * numpy.pi)**3
                                   * self.integrate(p0, self.F_A)[0])(p)
        def backward_integral(p):
            return numpy.vectorize(lambda p0: p0**2 / (2 * numpy.pi)**3
                                   * self.integrate(p0, self.F_B)[0])(p)

        grid = self.particle.grid

        forward_rate, _ = integrators.integrate_1D(forward_integral,
                                                   (grid.MIN_MOMENTUM, grid.MAX_MOMENTUM))

        backward_rate, _ = integrators.integrate_1D(backward_integral,
                                                    (grid.MIN_MOMENTUM, grid.MAX_MOMENTUM))

        return -forward_rate, backward_rate
    def rate(self):
        forward_rate, backward_rate = self.rates()
        return backward_rate - forward_rate
    def integrate(p0, integrand, bounds=None, kwargs=None):
        raise NotImplementedError()

Collision integral interior.

    def integrand(self, *args, **kwargs):

        raise NotImplementedError()
    def in_bounds(self, p, E=None, m=None):
        raise NotImplementedError()

Coarse integration region based on the self.particle.grid points. Assumes that integration region is connected.

    def bounds(self, p0):

        points = []
        for p1 in self.particle.grid.TEMPLATE:
            points.append((p1, self.lower_bound(p0, p1),))
            points.append((p1, self.upper_bound(p0, p1),))

        return points

Find the first self.particle.grid point in the integration region

    def lower_bound(self, p0, p1):

        index = 0
        while (index < self.particle.grid.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES
               and not self.in_bounds([p0, p1, self.particle.grid.TEMPLATE[index]])):
            index += 1

        if index == self.particle.grid.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES:
            return self.particle.grid.MIN_MOMENTUM

        return self.particle.grid.TEMPLATE[index]

Find the last self.particle.grid point in the integration region

    def upper_bound(self, p0, p1):

        index = int(
            (min(p0 + p1, self.particle.grid.MAX_MOMENTUM) - self.particle.grid.MIN_MOMENTUM)
            / self.particle.grid.MOMENTUM_STEP

        while index >= 0 and not self.in_bounds([p0, p1, self.particle.grid.TEMPLATE[index]]):
            index -= 1

        if index == -1:
            return self.particle.grid.MIN_MOMENTUM

        return self.particle.grid.TEMPLATE[index]