# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import itertools
import numpy
import pandas
import argparse
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from collections import namedtuple
from common import CONST, utils
from common.integrators import integrate_1D
from library import SM
q = (SM.particles.hadrons.neutron['mass'] - SM.particles.hadrons.proton['mass'])
q = 1.2933 * UNITS.MeV
m_e = SM.particles.leptons.electron['mass']
a = None
Particles = namedtuple("Particles", "electron neutrino")
particles = None
def init_kawano(electron=None, neutrino=None):
global particles
particles = Particles(electron=electron, neutrino=neutrino)
def run(data_folder, input="s4.dat", output="kawano_output.dat"):
p = Popen(utils.getenv('KAWANO', 'KAWANO/kawano_noneq'), stdin=PIPE, env={
"INPUT": os.path.join(data_folder, input),
"OUTPUT": os.path.join(data_folder, output)
with open(os.path.join(data_folder, "kawano_output.dat"), "r") as kawano_output:
return kawano_output.read()
n + ν_e ⟶ e + p
def _rate1(y):
E_e = q*a + y
if E_e < m_e*a:
return 0.
y_e = numpy.sqrt(E_e**2 - (m_e*a)**2)
return (y**2 * y_e * E_e
* (1. - particles.electron.distribution(y_e)) * particles.neutrino.distribution(y))
e + p ⟶ n + ν_e
def _rate2(y):
E_e = q*a + y
if E_e < m_e*a:
return 0.
y_e = numpy.sqrt(E_e**2 - (m_e*a)**2)
return (y**2 * y_e * E_e
* particles.electron.distribution(y_e) * (1. - particles.neutrino.distribution(y)))
n ⟶ e + ν_e' + p
def _rate3(y):
E_e = q*a - y
if E_e < m_e*a:
return 0.
y_e = numpy.sqrt(E_e**2 - (m_e*a)**2)
return (y**2 * y_e * E_e
* (1. - particles.electron.distribution(y_e))
* (1. - particles.neutrino.distribution(y)))
e + ν_e' + p ⟶ n
def _rate4(y):
E_e = q*a - y
if E_e < m_e*a:
return 0.
y_e = numpy.sqrt(E_e**2 - (m_e*a)**2)
return (y**2 * y_e * E_e
* particles.electron.distribution(y_e) * particles.neutrino.distribution(y))
n + e' ⟶ ν_e' + p
def _rate5(y):
E_e = -q*a + y
if E_e < m_e*a:
return 0.
y_e = numpy.sqrt(E_e**2 - (m_e*a)**2)
return (y**2 * y_e * E_e
* particles.electron.distribution(y_e) * (1. - particles.neutrino.distribution(y)))
ν_e' + p ⟶ n + e'
def _rate6(y):
E_e = -q*a + y
if E_e < m_e*a:
return 0.
y_e = numpy.sqrt(E_e**2 - (m_e*a)**2)
return (y**2 * y_e * E_e
* (1. - particles.electron.distribution(y_e)) * particles.neutrino.distribution(y))
def baryonic_rates(_a):
global a
a = _a
grid = particles.neutrino.grid
data = []
for integrand, bounds in [
(_rate1, (grid.MIN_MOMENTUM, grid.MAX_MOMENTUM)),
(_rate2, (grid.MIN_MOMENTUM, grid.MAX_MOMENTUM)),
(_rate3, (grid.MIN_MOMENTUM, (q - m_e)*a)),
(_rate4, (grid.MIN_MOMENTUM, (q - m_e)*a)),
(_rate5, ((q + m_e)*a, grid.MAX_MOMENTUM)),
(_rate6, ((q + m_e)*a, grid.MAX_MOMENTUM))]:
if bounds[0] < bounds[1]:
data.append(CONST.rate_normalization / a**5
* integrate_1D(integrand, bounds=bounds)[0])
return data
Plotting = namedtuple('Plotting', 'figure plots')
parameters_plots = None
rates_plots = None
heading = ("t[s]", "x",
"Tg[10^9K]", "dTg/dt[10^9K/s]",
"rho_tot[g cm^-3]", "H[s^-1]",
"n nue->p e", "p e->n nue",
"n->p e nue", "p e nue->n",
"n e->p nue", "p nue->n e")
def import_data(filepath):
with open(filepath) as f:
line = f.readline()
line = line.split()
if int(line[0]):
data = pandas.DataFrame(
({heading[i]: float(value) for i, value in enumerate(line.strip("\n").split("\t"))}
for line in f), columns=heading)
return data
def plot(data, label=None, save=None):
global parameters_plots, rates_plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None'
if not parameters_plots:
figure, plots = plt.subplots(3, 2, num="KAWANO parameters")
plots = list(itertools.chain(*plots))
figure.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.7, wspace=0.5)
t[s] x Tg[10^9K] dTg/dt[10^9K/s] rho_tot[g cm^-3] H[s^-1]
parameters_plots = Plotting(figure=figure, plots=plots)
for plot in plots:
plot.set_xlabel("time, s")
plots[0].set_title("Scale factor")
plots[0].set_ylabel("a, 1")
plots[1].set_ylabel("T, 10^9 K")
plots[2].set_title("Temperature derivative")
plots[2].set_ylabel("dT/dt, 10^9 K/s")
plots[3].set_title("Total energy density")
plots[3].set_ylabel("rho, g/cm^3")
plots[4].set_title("Hubble rate")
plots[4].set_ylabel("H, s^-1")
plots[5].set_title("Nuclear rates")
if not rates_plots:
figure, plots = plt.subplots(3, 2, num="KAWANO rates")
plots = list(itertools.chain(*plots))
figure.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.7, wspace=0.5)
n nue->p e p e->n nue n->p e nue p e nue->n n e->p nue p nue->n e
rates_plots = Plotting(figure=figure, plots=plots)
for i, plot in enumerate(plots, 6):
plot.set_xlabel("time, s")
time_series = data[heading[0]]
def bias(x):
return x if abs(x) > 1e-20 else 0.
parameters_plots.plots[0].plot(time_series, data[heading[1]].apply(bias))
parameters_plots.plots[1].plot(time_series, data[heading[2]].apply(bias))
parameters_plots.plots[2].plot(time_series, data[heading[3]].apply(bias))
parameters_plots.plots[3].plot(time_series, data[heading[4]].apply(bias))
parameters_plots.plots[4].plot(time_series, data[heading[5]].apply(bias))
rates = data.ix[:, 6:12]
for i, rate in enumerate(rates):
parameters_plots.plots[5].plot(time_series, rates[rate])
rates_plots.plots[i].plot(time_series, rates[rate], label=label)
if utils.getboolenv("SHOW_PLOTS", True):
parameters_plots.figure.savefig(save + "_params.svg")
rates_plots.figure.savefig(save + "_rates.svg")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run KAWANO program for the given input file')
parser.add_argument('--folder', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--input', default='s4.dat')
parser.add_argument('--output', default='kawano_output.dat')
args = parser.parse_args()
print run(args.folder, input=args.input, output=args.output)