import re

from markdown.util import etree, AtomicString
from markdown.inlinepatterns import Pattern
from markdown.preprocessors import Preprocessor
from markdown.extensions import Extension

Markdown preprocessor that matches all TODO and FIXME strings occurring at the beginning of the line or after the inline comment delimiter and highlights them in the documentation.

    class Prep(Preprocessor):

        matched_strings = ["TODO", "FIXME", "WARNING", "CAUTION"]
        regex = re.compile("^\s*(" + "|".join(matched_strings) + ":?)(.*)", flags=re.I)

Intended markup for TODO strings. The type of the string is used as a class.

        def template(self, match):

            return "<span class={0:s}><strong>{1:s}</strong>{2:s}</span>"\
                .format(match.group(1).lower(), match.group(1), match.group(2))

String matching is case insensitive

        def run(self, lines):

            return [self.regex.sub(self.template, line) for line in lines]
    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
        md.preprocessors.add('todo', Todo.Prep(md), '_end')
class LinesConnector(Extension):

    def __init__(self, regex=r"(\S)\s*\\\s*\n\s*(\S)", sub=r"\1 \2", *args, **kwargs):

        regex = re.compile(regex, flags=re.M)
        class Prep(Preprocessor):

Method ensures that there is exactly one space between 2 joined strings.

            def run(self, lines):

                return regex.sub(sub, "\n".join(lines)).split("\n")
        self.Prep = Prep()

        super(LinesConnector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
        md.preprocessors.add('lines-connector', self.Prep, '_end')
class SaneDefList(Extension):

Markdown preprocessor that prepares natural-style definition lists for native Markdown extension def_list. It allows to write more compact and readable class field definitions.

    class Prep(Preprocessor):

Searches for a line starting with a literal followed by a colon and multiple spaces:

some arbitrary parameter name
:   and its definition separated by `:\s\s+`

`parameter name` might contain everything except a [colon](//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_(punctuation)) and be multiline
:   it still works

And turns it into:

some arbitrary parameter name
and its definition separated by :\s\s+
parameter name might contain everything except a colon and be multiline
it still works
        def run(self, lines):

            new_lines = []
            for line in lines:
                match = re.match(r'^(\s*)([^:]+):\s{2,}(.+)', line)
                if match:
                    new_lines.append(match.group(1) + match.group(2))
                    new_lines.append(match.group(1) + ':   ' + match.group(3))

            return new_lines
    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
        md.preprocessors.add('sane-def-list', SaneDefList.Prep(md), '_end')
class Pydoc(Extension):

Preprocessor used to parse PyDoc-style comments like :param name: and format them.

    class Prep(Preprocessor):

param lines Documentation lines return Lines of text with parsed PyDoc comments

        def run(self, lines):

            new_lines = []
            for text in lines:

Regex that matches @param name

                text = re.compile(
                    r'^(\s?)@(\w+)\s+(["\'\`].+["\'\`]|\S+)\s*', re.M
                    r'\1<span class="pydoc pydoc-\2"><span>\2</span> <code>\3</code></span> ',

Regex that matches @var

                text = re.compile(
                    r'^(\s?)@(\w+)', re.M
                    r'\1<span class="pydoc pydoc-\2"><span>\2</span></span>',

Regex that matches :param name:

                text = re.compile(
                    r'^(\s?):([^: ]+) +([^:]+):', re.M
                    r'\1<span class="pydoc pydoc-\2"><span>\2</span> <code>\3</code></span>',

Regex that matches single-word comments: :return:

                text = re.compile(
                    r'^(\s?):([^: ]+):', re.M
                    r'\1<span class="pydoc pydoc-\2"><span>\2</span></span>',

            return new_lines
    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
        md.preprocessors.add('pydoc', Pydoc.Prep(md), '_end')

Autolink extension

There's already an inline pattern called autolink which handles http://www.google.com type links.

class AutoLinkExtension(Extension):

    EXTRA_AUTOLINK_RE = r'(?<!"|>)((https?://|www)[-\w./#?%=&]+)'
    class pattern(Pattern):

        def handleMatch(self, m):
            el = etree.Element('a')
            if m.group(2).startswith('http'):
                href = m.group(2)
                href = 'http://%s' % m.group(2)
            el.set('href', href)
            el.text = m.group(2)
            return el
    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
            AutoLinkExtension.pattern(self.EXTRA_AUTOLINK_RE, self),

Math extension for Python-Markdown

Adds support for displaying math formulas using MathJax.

Author: 2015, Dmitry Shachnev mitya57@gmail.com. Slightly customized by cryptonomicon314

class MathExtension(Extension):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MathExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):

        def handle_match_inline(m):
            node = etree.Element('script')
            node.set('type', 'math/tex')
            node.text = AtomicString(m.group(3))
            return node
        def handle_match(m):
            node = etree.Element('script')
            node.set('type', 'math/tex; mode=display')
            if '\\begin' in m.group(2):
                node.text = AtomicString(m.group(2) + m.group(4) + m.group(5))
                node.text = AtomicString(m.group(3))
            return node

        inlinemathpatterns = (

Inline math with $...$


Inline math with \(...\)

        mathpatterns = (

Display style math with $$...$$


Display style math with \[...\]

        for i, pattern in enumerate(inlinemathpatterns):
            pattern.handleMatch = handle_match_inline
            md.inlinePatterns.add('math-inline-%d' % i, pattern, '<escape')
        for i, pattern in enumerate(mathpatterns):
            pattern.handleMatch = handle_match
            md.inlinePatterns.add('math-%d' % i, pattern, '<escape')