# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This file contains Particle class definition and code governing the switching of the dynamical regimes

from __future__ import division

import numpy
from collections import defaultdict

from common import GRID, UNITS
from common.integrators import adams_moulton_solver
from common.utils import PicklableObject, trace_unhandled_exceptions

from particles import DustParticle, RadiationParticle, IntermediateParticle, NonEqParticle
from KAWANO.interpolation import dist_interp_values as distribution_interpolation
class STATISTICS(object):


    def Fermi(e):

        return 1. / (numpy.exp(e) + 1.)


    def Bose(e):

        return 1. / (numpy.exp(e) - 1.)
    BOSON = Bose
    FERMION = Fermi

Particle dynamical regimes

Radiation (ultra-relativistic) RADIATION
particle mass is neglected, all values obtained analytically
Dust (non-relativistic) DUST
Boltzman law is used as species distribution function, simplifying the computations
Intermediate regime INTERMEDIATE
values are computed explicitly using the precise form of the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions including particle mass term
Non-equilibrium NONEQ
particle quantum interactions have to be computed explicitly by solving Boltzman equation; individual distribution function of the species becomes utilized to obtain any species-related values
class REGIMES(dict):

    RADIATION = RadiationParticle
    DUST = DustParticle
    INTERMEDIATE = IntermediateParticle
    NONEQ = NonEqParticle


Master-class for particle species. Realized as finite state machine that switches to different regime when temperature becomes comparable to the particle mass or drops below particle decoupling_temperature

class Particle(PicklableObject):

    _saveable_fields = [
        'name', 'symbol',
        'mass', 'decoupling_temperature',
        'dof', 'eta',
        'collision_integral', 'collision_integrals',
        'T', 'aT', 'params',

    _defaults = {
        'mass': 0 * UNITS.eV,
        'decoupling_temperature': 0 * UNITS.eV,
        'name': 'Particle',
        'symbol': 'p',
        'dof': 2,
        'statistics': STATISTICS.FERMION,
        'params': None,
        'grid': GRID
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        settings = dict(self._defaults)

        for key, value in settings.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

        self.eta = 1. if self.statistics == STATISTICS.FERMION else -1.

        self.calculate_collision_integral = numpy.vectorize(self.calculate_collision_integral)

        self.collision_integrals = []
        self.data = {
            'distribution': [self._distribution],
            'collision_integral': []

        if self.params:

String-like representation of particle species it's regime and parameters

    def __str__(self):

        return "%s (%s, %s)\nn = %s, rho = %s\n" % (
            "eq" if self.in_equilibrium else "non-eq",
            self.density() / UNITS.eV**3,
            self.energy_density() / UNITS.eV**4
        ) + ("-" * 80)
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.symbol

Set internal parameters using arguments or default values

    def set_params(self, params):

        self.params = params
        self.T = params.T
        self.aT = params.aT

    def set_grid(self, grid):
        self.grid = grid

For equilibrium particles distribution function is by definition given by its statistics and will not be used until species comes into non-equilibrium regime

        self._distribution = numpy.zeros(self.grid.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES, dtype=numpy.float_)

Particle collision integral is not effective in the equilibrium as well

        self.collision_integral = numpy.zeros(self.grid.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES, dtype=numpy.float_)

Update the particle parameters according to the new state of the system

    def update(self, force_print=False):

        oldregime = self.regime
        oldeq = self.in_equilibrium

Update particle internal params only while it is in equilibrium

        if self.in_equilibrium or self.in_equilibrium != oldeq:

Particle species has temperature only when it is in equilibrium

            self.T = self.params.T
            self.aT = self.params.aT
        if self.in_equilibrium != oldeq and not self.in_equilibrium:

Particle decouples, have to init the distribution function array for kinetics

        if force_print or self.regime != oldregime or self.in_equilibrium != oldeq:
            print self

Apply collision integral to modify the distribution function

    def update_distribution(self):

        if self.in_equilibrium:

        self._distribution += self.collision_integral * self.params.dy
        self._distribution = numpy.maximum(self._distribution, 0)

Clear collision integrands for the next computation step

        self.collision_integrals = []
    def integrate_collisions(self):
        return numpy.vectorize(self.calculate_collision_integral)(self.grid.TEMPLATE)
    def calculate_collision_integral(self, p0):

        if not self.collision_integrals:
            return 0

        As = []
        Bs = []

        for integral in self.collision_integrals:
            As.append(integral.integrate(p0, integral.F_1))
            Bs.append(integral.integrate(p0, integral.F_f))

        order = min(len(self.data['collision_integral']) + 1, 5)

        index = numpy.searchsorted(self.grid.TEMPLATE, p0)
        fs = [i[index] for i in self.data['collision_integral'][-order+1:]]

        H = self.params.H

        if p0 == 0:
            A = sum(As)
            B = sum(Bs)
            feq = self.equilibrium_distribution(p0)
            print "{} p0 = {:.3e} A = {:.3e} t = {:.3e} d = {:.3e}".format(
                self.symbol, p0 / UNITS.MeV, A * UNITS.s, -1. / B / UNITS.s, -(A/B) / feq

        prediction = adams_moulton_solver(y=self.distribution(p0), fs=fs,
                                          A=sum(As) / H, B=sum(Bs) / H,
                                          h=self.params.dy, order=order)

        total_integral = (prediction - self.distribution(p0)) / self.params.dy

        return total_integral

Regime-switching ratio

For ultra-relativistic particles the mass is effectively 0. This implies that all computed numerically values can be as well obtained analytically: energy density, pressure, etc.

Let particle mass be equal and regime factor equal . As soon as the temperature of the system drops to the value about , particle should be switched to the computation regime where its mass is also considered: REGIMES.INTERMEDIATE. When drops down even further to the value , particle species can be treated as REGIMES.DUST with a Boltzmann distribution function.

    def regime(self):

        regime_factor = 1e1

        if not self.in_equilibrium:
            return REGIMES.NONEQ

        if self.T > self.mass * regime_factor:
            regime = REGIMES.RADIATION
        elif self.T * regime_factor < self.mass:
            regime = REGIMES.DUST
            regime = REGIMES.INTERMEDIATE

        return regime

TODO: probably just remove these and always use particle.regime.something()?

    def density(self):
        return self.regime.density(self)
    def energy_density(self):
        return self.regime.energy_density(self)
    def pressure(self):
        return self.regime.pressure(self)
    def numerator(self):
        return self.regime.numerator(self)
    def denominator(self):
        return self.regime.denominator(self)

Distribution function interpolation

Two possible strategies for the distribution function interpolation are implemented:

  • linear interpolation
  • exponential interpolation

While linear interpolation is exceptionally simple, the exponential interpolation gives exact results for the equilibrium functions - thus collision integral for them almost exactly cancels out unlike the case of linear interpolation.

Distribution functions are continuously evaluated each during the simulation, so to avoid excessive evaluation of the costly logarithms and exponentials, this function first checks if the current momenta value coincides with any of the grid points.

    def distribution(self, p):

        p = abs(p)
        if self.in_equilibrium or p > self.grid.MAX_MOMENTUM:
            return self.equilibrium_distribution(p)

        return distribution_interpolation(

        index = numpy.searchsorted(self.grid.TEMPLATE, p)

        if index >= self.grid.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES - 1:
            return self._distribution[-1]

        if p == self.grid.TEMPLATE[index]:
            return self._distribution[index]

Determine the closest grid points

        i_low = index
        p_low = self.grid.TEMPLATE[i_low]

        i_high = index + 1
        p_high = self.grid.TEMPLATE[i_high]
        E_p = self.conformal_energy(p)
        E_low = self.conformal_energy(p_low)
        E_high = self.conformal_energy(p_high)

        g_high = numpy.log(1 / self._distribution[i_high] - 1)
        g_low = numpy.log(1 / self._distribution[i_low] - 1)

        g = ((E_p - E_low) * g_high + (E_high - E_p) * g_low) / (E_high - E_low)

        return 1. / (numpy.exp(g) + self.eta)

Equilibrium distribution that corresponds to the particle internal temperature

    def equilibrium_distribution(self, y=None, aT=None):

        if aT is None:
            aT = self.aT
        if y is None:
            return self.equilibrium_distribution_function(
                numpy.vectorize(self.conformal_energy)(self.grid.TEMPLATE) / aT
            return self.equilibrium_distribution_function(self.conformal_energy(y) / aT)
    def equilibrium_distribution_function(self):
        if self.eta == -1:
            return STATISTICS.Bose
            return STATISTICS.Fermi
    def init_distribution(self):
        self._distribution = self.equilibrium_distribution()
        return self._distribution

Simple check for equilibrium

    def in_equilibrium(self):

        return self.T > self.decoupling_temperature

Physical energy of the particle

    def energy(self, p):

        if self.mass > 0:
            return numpy.sqrt(p**2 + self.mass**2)
            return abs(p)

Conformal energy of the particle in comoving coordinates with evolving mass term

    def conformal_energy(self, y):

        if self.mass > 0:
            return numpy.sqrt(y**2 + self.conformal_mass**2)
            return abs(y)

In the expanding Universe, distribution function of the massive particle in the conformal coordinates changes because of the evolving mass term

    def conformal_mass(self):

        return self.mass * self.params.a