# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This file contains constants and utilities shared by all other modules in the project.

import sys
import numpy
import numericalunits as nu
class UNITS(object):

    __slots__ = ('use_numericalunits', 'eV', 'keV', 'MeV', 'GeV', 'TeV', 's', 'kg', 'm', 'N')


As we use natural units in the project, all units from numericalunits except energy units are useless. Here some useful units are defined in terms of GeVs.

    use_numericalunits = False
    eV = nu.eV if use_numericalunits else 1e-9
    def reset_units(cls):
        UNITS.keV = UNITS.eV * 1e3
        UNITS.MeV = UNITS.keV * 1e3
        UNITS.GeV = UNITS.MeV * 1e3
        UNITS.TeV = UNITS.GeV * 1e3
        UNITS.s = 1. / 6.58 * 1e25 / UNITS.GeV
        UNITS.kg = 1e27 / 1.8 * UNITS.GeV
        UNITS.m = 1e15 / 0.197 / UNITS.GeV
        UNITS.N = 1e-5 / 8.19 * UNITS.GeV**2
class CONST(object):

    __slots__ = ('G', 'M_p', 'G_F', 'sin_theta_w_2', 'g_R', 'g_L', 'f_pi',
                 'MeV_to_s_1', 'MeV_to_10_9K', 'MeV4_to_g_cm_3', 'rate_normalization')

Gravitational constant

    G = 6.67 * 1e-11 * (UNITS.N / UNITS.kg**2 * UNITS.m**2)

Planck mass

    M_p = 1.2209 * 1e19 * UNITS.GeV

Fermi constant

    G_F = 1.166 * 1e-5 / UNITS.GeV**2

Hubble constant

    H = 1. / (4.55e17 * UNITS.s)

Weinberg angle

    sin_theta_w_2 = 0.2312
    g_R = sin_theta_w_2
    g_L = sin_theta_w_2 + 0.5

Pion decay constant

    f_pi = 130. * UNITS.MeV

    MeV_to_s_1 = 1.51926758e21
    MeV_to_10_9K = 11.6045
    MeV4_to_g_cm_3 = 2.32011575e5

    rate_normalization = 17.54459
class Params(object):

    __slots__ = ('m', 'dy', 't', 'H', 'rho', 'a', 'x', 'y', 'T', 'aT', 'N_eff')


Master object carrying the cosmological state of the system and initial conditions

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

Temperature bounds define the simulations boundaries of the system

        self.T = None

Arbitrary normalization of the conformal scale factor

        self.m = 1. * UNITS.MeV

Conformal scale factor step size during computations

        self.dy = 0.05

Initial time

        self.t = 0. * UNITS.s

Hubble rate

        self.H = 0.

Total energy density

        self.rho = None
        self.N_eff = 0.

        for key in kwargs:
            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

As the initial scale factor is arbitrary, it can be use to ensure the initial value equal to 1

        self.a = self.m / self.T


Set initial cosmological parameters based on the value of T

    def infer(self):

Compute present-state parameters that can be inferred from the base ones

        self.x = self.a * self.m
        self.y = numpy.log(self.a)
        self.aT = self.a * self.T

Hubble expansion parameter defined by a Friedmann equation:

    def update(self, rho):

        self.rho = rho
        self.H = numpy.sqrt(8./3.*numpy.pi * rho) / CONST.M_p

        self.N_eff = (
            (rho - (numpy.pi**2 / 15 * self.T**4))
            / (7./8. * numpy.pi**2 / 15 * (self.T / 1.4)**4)

        old_a = self.a

Physical scale factor and temperature for convenience

        self.a = self.x / self.m
        self.T = self.aT / self.a

Time step size is inferred from the approximation of the scale factor a derivative and a definition of the Hubble parameter H:

        dt = (self.a / old_a - 1) / self.H
        self.t += dt
    def dx(self):
        return self.x * (numpy.exp(self.dy) - 1.)

Distribution functions grid

TODO: try an irregular grid based on the Gauss-Legendre quadrature roots to minimize the interpolation for the massless particles.

To capture non-equilibrium effects in the Early Universe, we work with particle species distribution functions . Assuming that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic, we can forget dependency on the position and the momentum direction: .

Resulting functions are sampled across a wide range of momenta. However, momentum range cannot include both 0 momenta and very large momenta (either leads to numerical overflows and errors).

class LogSpacedGrid(object):



    def __init__(self, MOMENTUM_SAMPLES=50, MAX_MOMENTUM=20 * UNITS.MeV):

        self.MIN_MOMENTUM = 0
        self.BOUNDS = (self.MIN_MOMENTUM, self.MAX_MOMENTUM)

Grid template can be copied when defining a new distribution function and is convenient to calculate any vectorized function over the grid. For example,


yields an array of particle conformal energy mapped over the GRID

        self.TEMPLATE = self.generate_template()
    def generate_template(self):
        base = 1.2
        return (
            + (self.MAX_MOMENTUM - self.MIN_MOMENTUM)
            * (base ** numpy.arange(0, self.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES, 1) - 1.)
            / (base ** (self.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES - 1.) - 1.)

self.TEMPLATE = numpy.linspace(self.MIN_MOMENTUM, self.MAX_MOMENTUM, num=self.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES, endpoint=True)

class HeuristicGrid(object):


    def __init__(self, M, tau, aT=1*UNITS.MeV, b=100, c=5):
        H = 0.5 / UNITS.s  # such that at T=1 <=> t=1
        a_max = numpy.sqrt(2 * H * b * tau)
        T_max = aT / a_max

        T = T_max
        grid = [a_max * (M + numpy.sqrt(M*T))]

        while grid[-1] > 0:
            g = grid[-1]
            T = aT * M * (aT + g*c**2 - numpy.sqrt(aT * (aT + 2*g*c**2))) / (2 * g**2 * c**2)
            grid.append(max(g - numpy.sqrt(M*T/c) * aT/T, 0))

        self.TEMPLATE = numpy.array(grid[::-1])
        self.MOMENTUM_SAMPLES = len(self.TEMPLATE)

        self.MIN_MOMENTUM = 0
        self.MAX_MOMENTUM = grid[0]
        self.BOUNDS = (self.MIN_MOMENTUM, self.MAX_MOMENTUM)
GRID = LogSpacedGrid()

Heaviside function

def theta(f):

    if f > 0:
        return 1.
    if f == 0:
        return 0.5
    return 0.
def linear_interpolation(function, grid):

    def interpolation(x):
        index = numpy.searchsorted(grid, x)

        if index >= len(grid) - 1:
            return function[len(grid) - 1]

        if x == grid[index]:
            return function[index]

Determine the closest grid points

        i_low = index
        x_low = grid[i_low]

        i_high = index + 1
        x_high = grid[i_high]

        return (
            function[i_low] * (x_high - x) + function[i_high] * (x - x_low)
        ) / (x_high - x_low)
    return interpolation
def cubic_interpolation(function, grid):

    def interpolation(x):
        index = numpy.searchsorted(grid, x)

        if index >= len(grid) - 1:
            return function[len(grid) - 1]

        if x == grid[index]:
            return function[index]

        if index == 0 or index == len(grid) - 2:

Determine the closest grid points

            i_low = index
            x_low = grid[i_low]

            i_high = index + 1
            x_high = grid[i_high]

            return (
                function[i_low] * (x_high - x) + function[i_high] * (x - x_low)
            ) / (x_high - x_low)

Otherwise, use cubic interpolation

            y0 = function[index - 1]
            y1 = function[index]
            y2 = function[index + 1]
            y3 = function[index + 2]

            a0 = -0.5*y0 + 1.5*y1 - 1.5*y2 + 0.5*y3
            a1 = y0 - 2.5*y1 + 2*y2 - 0.5*y3
            a2 = -0.5*y0 + 0.5*y2
            a3 = y1

            mu = (x - grid[index]) / (grid[index + 1] - grid[index])

            return a0*mu*mu*mu + a1*mu*mu + a2*mu + a3
    return interpolation